Visit statistics

Visit statistics indicating the number of visitors in the library at specified time periods are an important source of information for library management. They enable the rational management of the work time of librarians and the evaluation of efficient use of resources. ARFIDO integrates various visitor counting systems that operate as standalone units or devices integrated with the anti-theft antennas.

Smart people counter integrated with RFID gates

People counters integrated with RFID anti-theft antennas are designed for those libraries in which it is important to gather information on the number of visits, and where the design of the solutions implemented is also of great significance. They do not require any additional equipment or dedicated space. Data collected by counters in the antennas are made available through the provided software, and allow precise analysis of visits to the library and optimisation of the working time of librarians.

People counter with IR camera or IR battery

People counters with an infrared barrier or thermal imaging camera are intended for those libraries without plans to implement an anti-theft system or where such a system has already been installed.

Infrared barrier

In the solution based on an infrared barrier the visits are counted when the light beam is crossed by a person entering or exiting the library. The device has a very good reliability and low measurement error rate when used in narrow passages.

Access to the data collected by both solutions is possible through a computer network - the data can also be sent to an indicated e-mail address or FTP server.


Thermal imaging camera

People counters with thermal imaging cameras achieve much better results for customer counting in those libraries having wide passages. The camera is located on the ceiling and can track moving people in the measurement zone and properly count them when they cross the designated boundaries. The visit counting solution based on the camera is not affected by the same measurement error as when a light beam is crossed by multiple people at once; in addition the camera can track several objects at the same time, thus making the measurement very accurate.

Access to the data collected by both solutions is possible through a computer network - the data can also be sent to an indicated e-mail address or FTP server.